We are suppliers to the Cake Decorating industry both wholesale and retail online. We also pack & produce many products on our premises ie: Lustre Dust and Sprays, Sugar Flower Glue, Edible Paints, Flavoured essences and a few more.

A full range of these items can be found on our  Catalogue/Products page.

Prices listed on our website are retail prices. If you are an ABN registered business, please contact us on orders@carolines.com.au to enquire about setting up a wholesale trade account (conditions apply).

Have a browse around. Submit your quote and we  will get back to you with an invoice for payment. Once payment is received, we will dispatch your order.


Caroline’s Sugar Art Services was owned & operated by Caroline and Morris Matthias.

Caroline and Morris Matthias founded the business in 1980 and serviced the Australian, New Zealand and Overseas Markets.

Caroline herself, began teaching in 1976 and in 1980 established South Australia’s first private cake decorating school. This continued successfully until Caroline retired from teaching in 2005.

Caroline has written a book in Cake Decoration and Modelling with successful sales. Has attended International seminars, in both London and Telfors. Has supervised workshops and been a judge in National seminars held in South Australia.

Today, Caroline & Morris are enjoying retirement and occasionally visit the shop to have lunch with the staff. They truly believe that the success of their business was due in no small way to every one of their dedicated team members.

Caroline & Morris would like to thank all their customers for their business in the past and all the very best health, especially in the current pandemic.

We wish them all the very best in their retirement.

October 31, 2021

Caroline’s Sugar Art Services

If you have any enquiries, please email us at


Oaklands Park SA 5046

© Carolines 2021